After surviving a suicide attempt, Aisha, a Pakistani-Canadian student battles her compulsive need for control. Diagnosed with depression, she adopts a checklist approach to curing the incurable.
Watch NowGet Up, Aisha focuses on Aisha, a Pakistani-Canadian student who grapples with her compulsive need for control. When Aisha gets diagnosed with depression after a failed suicide attempt, she applies a checklist approach to curing the incurable.
A diagnosis gives Aisha the revelation she needs: she can cure her depression herself through proven methods like making friends or trying a new sport. And while we’re at it, why not kill two birds with one stone? Aisha’s been trying to find a killer thesis topic for months and her no-nonsense, tough love professor, Ray, has been behind her to get that proposal in. What better opportunity to try out these methods than with a thesis statement? Be herself a guinea pig to test on? Why not…