Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about TELUS Fund.

About the FAQs

Applicants are encouraged to review the full 2024 Program Guidelines which include definitions of capitalized terms.

If there are any discrepancies between the responses to FAQs and the 2024 Program Guidelines, the 2024 Program Guidelines will prevail. References to Forms and Templates can be found here.

About TELUS Fund’s credit placement requirements

Why does the Fund require prominent credit placement?
TELUS Fund is a not-for-profit organization that relies on prominent credit placement to raise awareness of available financing to help create exceptional content that promotes the well-being of people in their environment.

Where does the Fund’s credit appear?
TELUS Fund’s credit must appear everywhere the project, or any part of the project, is used or exploited worldwide, including for example, in all versions of the Programming, learning resources, paid advertising, short videos, posts, press releases, publicity and promotional materials.
In TV programs, feature-length films, web series, and short digital videos the TELUS Fund credit will typically appear immediately before the first frame or immediately after the last frame. The Fund’s credit will also appear in the top third of the project website and in the walls of various social media and digital channels. In general, the Fund’s credit will also appear no less predominantly than the producer’s credit in learning resources, paid advertising, publicity, press releases, social posts, and promotion assets.

What if other financial sources have different credit placement requirements?
The producer is responsible for ensuring all agreements related to the funded project agree to abide by the TELUS Fund’s credit requirements. Before completion, the producer must submit a mock-up of the visual layout of credits for TELUS Fund’s approval.

The TELUS Fund may consider exceptions to its placement requirements where there are comparable alternative opportunities for TELUS Fund credit placement (for example more prominent credit placement in a live event tour) or when the Fund's participation is less than or equal to $75,000 and 15% of the project budget.

About the application and decision-making process

Who makes the funding decisions?
Funding decisions are the sole discretion of the Board, which operates at arm’s length to the TELUS Corporation and any of its affiliates. The Directors of the Fund are also responsible for the consideration of official language minority communities’ realities in their decision making.

How long does it take to receive a funding decision
Depending on the volume of applications, applicants can expect to receive an email acknowledging receipt of their submission within 5 to 10 business days. The Board of Directors will typically render a funding decision within 8 to 10 weeks of submission.

Are submissions with confirmed financing from other entities more likely to receive financing from the Fund?
All applications for financing are compared to others at the same stage of financing according to the evaluation criteria in the Program Guidelines. The most competitive submissions will have already secured other sources of project financing and be ready to proceed with financing from the Fund.

Are series and mini-series more likely to receive funding than one-off films?
One-off films of any length and mini-series experience unique discoverability challenges compared to TV series and web series which can develop the audience over multiple episodes of programming. Projects with fewer episodes of programming are typically only successful at TELUS Fund if they have strong support from an eligible Platform and resources sufficient to create ample Complementary Content and to develop the audience over an extended period.

Can I apply with more than one application?
Yes. You will be required to verify all submissions are feasible before selecting more than one for funding.

How many times may I apply for funding with the same project?
Applicants are encouraged to first apply for development financing. When you are ready to proceed into production, you may then apply for production financing. After the project has successfully launched, you may apply for post-launch financing to continue developing the audience.

An applicant that has previously been declined may re-apply one more time for the same stage of funding provided the applicant and project remain eligible and there are material increases in the level of support for the project from Key Partners and other financial sources. If a project has been declined twice, it will no longer be considered eligible to re-apply for the same stage of financing.

Do you provide funding for disabled creators to have assistance with preparing paperwork?
TELUS Fund does not have funding available to assist with preparing paperwork.

About TELUS Fund’s financing

Has there been an instance where funding has been offered but lower than what was requested?
Yes. TELUS Fund’s program budget is rarely sufficient to provide financing to all worthy projects at the level requested.

How do provincial and federal tax credits treat financing from the Fund?
As provincial and federal tax credit policies are complex, Applicants are encouraged to consult with them directly on this question. To date, many of these programs have determined financing from the Fund to be akin to a grant or subsidy reducing the eligible tax credit.

Is the funding repayable?
Yes. The Fund provides a recoupable advance similar in nature to an unsecured, non-interest bearing, forgivable loan. The Fund does not acquire an equity interest in the copyright or participate in profits. Amounts paid back to the Fund are reinvested into the financing of more exceptional well-being content.

At the development stage, financing is repayable to the TELUS Fund if the project moves forward to the next stage or if the rights are transferred, sold or exploited in any manner. At the production and post-launch stages, financing is repayable from production revenue, if any is earned.

If successful, how soon will I receive the funding?
TELUS Fund will enter into a financing agreement and advance funding after the successful applicant has secured 100% of financial sources (other than TELUS Fund) required to complete the proposed deliverables for the stage of financing.

What is the payment schedule?
At the development and post-launch stages, TELUS Fund financing is allocated over 2 to 3 payments, depending on the complexities of the project and the amount of financing from the Fund. In the case of 2 payments, they are typically: 80% upon signing the financing agreement and 20% upon receipt of final deliverables.

At the production stage, TELUS Fund financing is typically allocated over 3 to 5 payments, depending on the complexities of the project and the amount of financing from the Fund. In the case of 3 payments, they are typically: 60% upon signing the financing agreement, 30% upon completion of fine cuts of the Programming, and 10% upon receipt of final deliverables.

About the Eligible Applicant

I own an emerging production company that is not yet “experienced in the business of producing comparable Programming”. Does this mean I need to sell my story rights to an experienced producer so they can be the Eligible Applicant? Is there any way around this?
You do not need to sell your rights to meet TELUS Fund’s definition of an Eligible Applicant. TELUS Fund requires that the Eligible Applicant be experienced in the business of producing comparable programming due to the typically high level of financing provided by the Fund as an amount and percentage of the financial structure. An emerging production company can meet this requirement by bringing an experienced Producer or Executive Producer on to the project team or by entering into a co-production arrangement with an experienced production company.

Can a not-for-profit organization apply for funding?
No, not-for-profit organizations are not eligible to apply for financing. The Eligible Applicant must be a for-profit taxable corporation (within the meaning of Canada’s Income Tax Act).

About the Eligible Project

Must the Programming be available in both English and French languages in Canada?
No. However, Programming that has obtained distribution commitments on platforms accessible by both English and French Canadians will be more competitive than those that have not.

Are there any health and wellness topics you stay away from?
The program guidelines include TELUS Fund’s definition of well-being and a checklist to help you determine whether your project is aligned to the Fund’s mandate. Provided your project is aligned to this checklist the range of well-being topics is very broad.

Do short films meet the definition of Programming?
Yes, one-off short films do meet TELUS Fund’s definition of Programming, but they are typically not a good fit for financing from the Fund. Please refer to questions about the decision-making process.

About the stages of financing

If I've already started production, can I still apply for production financing, or would that be post-launch? We need money for post-production.
Any time before delivery of the completed project to the Platform, you are welcome to apply for production financing. If you have already delivered the completed project to the Platform, you may apply for post-launch financing after the project has launched and you are able to provide evidence of achieving an average of 20K views to substantial completion (e.g., 75%) per episode of Programming.

Can we request development financing if we have a greenlight for production?
Perhaps. It depends on when you plan to start production. Prior to the start of production, there must be sufficient time to enter into a development financing agreement with the Fund and complete the development stage. Development financing is repaid to the Fund at the start of production.

Is it possible to receive post-launch financing, if the project did not receive production financing from the Fund?
Perhaps. Applicants that did not receive production financing are welcome to apply if they are able to provide evidence of achieving an average of 20K views to substantial completion (e.g., 75%) per episode of Programming. Applicants that have already received production financing for their project from the Fund are immediately eligible to apply for post-launch financing.

About Expert Organizations

TELUS Fund requires that every project first obtain support from at least one Expert Organization. This requirement is to ensure every application is aligned to the Fund’s mandate and funded projects maintain the highest standard of accuracy, integrity, fairness, and comprehensiveness in the information presented.

Do individual healthcare professionals meet the Fund’s definition of an Expert Organization?
No. Individual healthcare professionals do not meet the Fund’s definition of an Expert Organization. Their demonstrated support may increase the competitiveness of your submission, but their support will not be considered when determining whether the application meets the Fund’s minimum support requirements from an Expert Organization.

Do Knowledge Keepers (traditional healers) within First Nations Communities meet the Fund’s definition of an Expert Organization?
TELUS Fund welcomes Expert Organization Support Forms completed by Healing specialists, Knowledge Keepers, and Elders who are recognized by the community for their skill in understanding and working within Indigenous cultural worldviews and providing Indigenous approaches to healthcare in the well-being area.

Do I have to secure support from more than one Expert Organization?
To meet the Fund’s minimum support requirement, you need to obtain support from at least one Expert Organization. However, the most competitive submissions typically exceed the Fund’s minimum support requirements and include support from multiple Expert Organizations in the well-being area.

I missed the date to confirm eligibility of my Expert Organization(s). Can I still submit my application?
Yes. You are welcome to include their Expert Organization Support Form with your application. However, if the Expert Organization is not accepted by the Fund, the application will be withdrawn from consideration.

My Expert Organization also raises awareness of the well-being issue, solicits donations, funds research, and advocates to influence policies. Do these other activities impact their eligibility as an Expert Organization?
Expert Organizations can be involved in all these activities provided they are also in the business of delivering healthcare services, programs, supports or resources to Canadians struggling in the well-being area featured in the project.

Where can I find more information about regulated health professionals?
Here is a listing of regulated health professionals in Canada by province to help you get started. The regulated health professional must have expertise in the well-being issue featured in your project and be willing to provide feedback on the creative materials.

The Expert Organization is willing to contract a regulated health professional to provide feedback for my project. Does this meet the Fund’s requirement for at least one regulated healthcare professional “on their team”?
Yes. The Fund uses a broad definition of “on the team” that may include for example staff, contractors, members, volunteers, and the board of directors at the Expert Organization. The regulated health professional must be identified within the Expert Organization Support Form, have expertise in the well-being issue, and be willing to provide feedback on the creative materials for the project.

I am re-submitting an application for funding for a project that TELUS Fund previously declined. Can I submit the prior Expert Organization Support Forms or do I need to ask my Expert Organizations to complete the most recent form?
The most recent Expert Organization Support Form includes a helpful checklist for organizations to confirm they meet the Fund’s clarified definition of an Expert Organization. The Form also asks the organization to identify a regulated healthcare professional on their team willing to provide feedback on the creative materials for the project. If this information was already provided in their prior support form, they do not need to complete the most recent Expert Organization Support Form.

Where can I find a listing of Expert Organizations that have been previously approved by TELUS Fund?
A list is not published. However, many funded projects thank their Expert Organizations in the final credits of the Programming. Check out the Project Showcase to learn more.

About Platforms

TELUS Fund requires that every project obtain support from at least one eligible Platform. This requirement is to ensure every application is accessible by Canadians.

Must the Platform be owned by Canadians?
No. The Platform must be accessible by Canadians.

Is the Platform Support Form binding to the Platform? Do they have to license the program before they even see it? Can their deal memo be for $0?
The Platform Support Form is used by TELUS Fund to confirm eligibility of the platform and is not a binding agreement. At the development stage, the Platform Support Form also meets TELUS Fund’s minimum requirement to first obtain interest from a Platform.

There are no minimum license fee thresholds for Platforms. However, if you obtain financing from a Platform, it will certainly increase the competitiveness of your submission.

Most theatrical distributors want to release the feature film in theatres before selling it to broadcasters and platforms. Do you have any examples of feature films successfully funded by TELUS Fund?
Yes. The Project Showcase includes examples of feature films produced with the participation of TELUS Fund. The definition of an eligible Platform includes being able to demonstrate a recent track record of achieving an average 20K Canadian views per episode to substantial completion (e.g., 75%) with comparable Programming. A few theatrical distributors in the French market have demonstrated a track record of achieving at least 20K tickets sold in the Canadian box office. In most cases, feature films will need to obtain support from another eligible Platform that meets TELUS Fund’s definition.

Is a non-theatrical distributor with a streaming service to libraries and schools an eligible Platform?
Intermediary distributors and sales agents undertaking to sell the Programming on your behalf to other entities that will then make the Programming accessible by Canadians do not meet TELUS Fund’s definition of an eligible Platform.

Can I secure support from a channel hosted on YouTube to meet the eligible Platform requirement, or do I need an actual letter from YouTube themselves?
Potential eligible Platforms may include channels that are hosted on YouTube that achieve an average of 20K Canadian views per episode to substantial completion (e.g., 75%) with comparable programming.

I am re-submitting an application for funding for a project that TELUS Fund previously declined. Can I submit the prior Platform Support Forms, or do I need to ask my platforms to complete the most recent form?
The most recent Platform Support Form includes a helpful checklist for organizations to confirm they meet the Fund’s clarified definition of an eligible Platform. If sufficient information was already provided in their prior support form to confirm eligibility, they do not need to complete the most recent Platform Support Form.

Where can I find a listing of Platforms that have been previously approved by TELUS Fund?
TELUS Fund does not currently have a listing. Check out the Project Showcase and all the platforms on which funded projects can be watched.

Is the Stories for Caregivers Facebook channel automatically an eligible Platform?
Only CRTC-Recognized Services (e.g. Canadian broadcasters) automatically meet TELUS Fund’s definition of an eligible Platform. The eligibility of all other platforms is considered on a project-by-project basis using information provided in the Platform Support Form.

About Audience Partners

Can an audience partner be the same as a platform, if the platform is a high traffic social media?
Expert Organizations and Platforms have their own support forms. There is no need for them to also complete the Audience Partner Support Form.

Can an Audience Partner also be a key "Talent" or Co-Producer of the project?
Audience Partners have an online reach in Canada of at least 20K subscribers, followers, or fans. If your key “talent” or co-producer has this level of online reach in Canada, then they would be considered an Audience Partner.

About the Supporting Materials uploaded to the application

We have not yet produced a pitch video or sizzle reel for our project. Can we still apply for funding?
Applications for production and post-launch financing must include a professional sizzle reel, trailer, or pilot episode.

For development financing, it is optional to include a pitch video of less than three minutes that describes the project and why it matters. If included, a pitch video will increase the likelihood of receiving a positive funding decision.

Is there a minimum or maximum length for the sizzle reel?
An application for production financing must include either a professional sizzle reel, trailer, or demo that showcases the talent, the storyline, and the project's potential to reach and positively impact the target audience. While there is no minimum or maximum length specified in the guidelines, typically sizzle reels and trailers are less than 3 minutes in length.

Is there a minimum required budget for the Comprehensive Audience Development Plan (CADP)?
No. However, TELUS Fund strongly recommends that all applicants allocate at least 10% of their project budget toward the costs of implementing the CADP. The Fund will often allocate a portion of its financing toward ensuring producers have sufficient funds to achieve this target.

Exceptions are considered in those cases where the eligible Platform has demonstrated exceptional support for the project in terms of their license fee, the placement the project will receive on their platform, and their commitment to supporting execution of the CADP.

Do all costs related to the Comprehensive Audience Development Plan (CADP) need to be in the project budget?
Ideally all CADP costs will appear in the project budget. However, if another committed financial source has different expectations for the CADP, you may propose a separate budget.

TELUS Fund's combined financing toward all project components (e.g., Programming, Non-Programming, Complementary Content, and the CADP) is fully repayable and used to determine the Fund's credit placement and prominence relative to other financial sources. On a case by case, TELUS Fund may accept a separate budget for CADP costs provided that doing so does not compromise the Fund's overall repayment or credit position.

What is the average, minimum and maximum budgets of projects financed by TELUS Fund?
The average level of financing and budget size is provided within the 2024 Program Guidelines. Minimum and maximum budget levels by stage of financing are not currently available.

Does the Fund have standard budget templates and business policies?
Yes. You can download the budget that goes with your application stage from the Forms and Templates webpage. For business policies, the TELUS Fund refers to existing and generally recognized industry practices.

What have we already funded?

Discover health content that has received support from TELUS Fund.

What is discoverability?

Explore our range of tools and resources to help define your project’s audience.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.