Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about TELUS Fund. In the event of a discrepancy, the Program Guidelines prevail.
Eligible Applicants must be experienced in the business of producing comparable programming. An emerging production company can meet this requirement by including an experienced Producer or Executive Producer on the project team or forming a co-production with an established company.
No, only for-profit organizations are eligible to apply for financing.
No, but projects with commitments from platforms accessible to both languages are more competitive.
Projects may include third languages, but the project must be available in either the English or French language.
The program guidelines outline TELUS Fund’s definition of well-being, which encompasses a broad range of topics.
Yes, but they may not be a good fit for funding. Refer to FAQs about the decision-making process for more details.
Yes! Development financing has been earmarked for approximately five pilots and production financing for three web series aimed at caregivers.
No, applicants with web series ideas aimed at caregivers must now apply for financing according to the program guidelines.
Yes! meets TELUS Fund’s definition of an eligible Platform. If you have a web series idea aimed at caregivers, please email to obtain the necessary Platform Support Form and license from the Stories for Caregivers platform to meet the requirements of the program guidelines.
Yes, applicants with web series ideas aimed at Canadian caregivers must now meet the same eligibility requirements as all other applicants and apply at the same deadline dates.
No, Stories for Caregivers web series benefit from marketing expertise and audience development managed by S4C Media Inc. Additional marketing expertise and budget allocations are not required.
You can apply for production financing any time before delivering the completed project to the platform. If the project is already completed, you may seek post-launch financing.
No, individual healthcare professionals do not qualify, but their support may strengthen your application.
At least one support form is required, but multiple Health Organization Support Forms from across Canada will strengthen your application.
For projects aimed at positively impacting the well-being of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada, the Fund welcomes Health Organization Support Forms from Indigenous Healing Specialists, Knowledge Keepers, and Elders recognized by their communities. This approach acknowledges and values the unique perspectives and traditional practices of healthcare within Indigenous populations.
Yes, you can include their support form with your application, but if the Health Organization is not accepted, the application will be immediately withdrawn.
Health Organizations can be involved in all these activities provided they also have direct experience delivering healthcare services in Canada that are relevant to the story. These services may encompass a wide range of medical and health-related offerings aimed at promoting health and enhancing overall well-being of people.
Here is a listing of authorized medical practitioners in Canada by province to help you get started. The authorized medical practitioner must hold formal medical qualifications and be actively registered with a Canadian medical regulatory authority (e.g. college or board). They must also be willing to provide feedback on the creative materials.
Yes. The Fund uses a broad definition of “on the team” that may include for example staff, contractors, members, volunteers, and the board of directors at the Health Organization. A brief bio for the individual must be included within the Health Organization Support Form demonstrating their qualifications and experience delivering healthcare services relevant to the story.
No, the Health Organization must complete the most current online support form to meet minimum eligibility requirements. Expert Organization Support Forms from 2024 and earlier will not be considered.
A list is not published. However, many funded projects thank their Health Organizations in the final credits of the Programming. Check out the Project showcase to learn more.
No, it just needs to be accessible across Canada.
No, the form is used to demonstrate support for the project and confirm eligibility requirements. It is not a binding agreement.
No, intermediary distributors and sales agents undertaking to sell the Programming on your behalf to other entities that will then make the Programming accessible by Canadians do not meet TELUS Fund’s definition of an eligible Platform.
Yes, provided it meets specific criteria outlined in the program guidelines.
No, the Platform must complete the most current online support form to meet minimum eligibility requirements. Platform Support Forms from 2024 and earlier will not be considered.
TELUS Fund does not currently have a listing. Check out the Projects Showcase and all the platforms on which funded projects can be watched.
Yes, is a CAVCO-approved Online Service that meets their “shown in Canada” requirement and is accessible across Canada.
Applications for production financing must include a professional sizzle reel, trailer, or pilot episode.
While there is no minimum or maximum length specified in the guidelines, typically sizzle reels and trailers are less than 3 minutes in length.
Exception: Stories for Caregivers web series benefit from marketing expertise and audience development managed by S4C Media Inc. Additional marketing expertise and budget allocations are not required.
Ideally, all costs related to the Comprehensive Audience Development Plan (CADP) should be included in the project budget. However, if another financial source has different requirements for the CADP, you can propose a separate budget for audience development costs. TELUS Fund may accept this separate budget on a case-by-case basis, if it does not compromise the Fund’s repayment or credit position.
The average level of financing and budget size is provided within the program guidelines. Minimum and maximum budget levels by stage of financing are not currently available.
Yes, download the budget for your stage of financing from the Forms and Templates webpage. For business policies, the TELUS Fund refers to existing and generally recognized industry practices.
The pre-approved Marketing Agencies on the TELUS Fund website have demonstrated a proven record of creating and executing Comprehensive Development Plans (CADP) for at least three recent Canadian screen projects. They have the in-house capacity and expertise to activate omni-channel audience engagement strategies, audience targeting, and key performance indicator tracking.
No, successful submissions receive funding to secure the services of a pre-approved Marketing Agency to create and execute the CADP.
Exception: In the program guidelines, three exceptional cases have been identified where alternative marketing expertise may be considered, including Stories for Caregivers web series which benefit from marketing expertise and audience development managed by S4C Media Inc.
At the time of making an application for financing to TELUS Fund. In the application form you will be asked to identify the pre-approved Marketing Agency that will create and execute the CADP and the amount you have allocated in the budget for their services.
Each of the pre-approved Marketing Agencies has their own onboarding processes and fees for services. Check with the agency to confirm their requirements.
Funding decisions are made by an independent Board, separate from TELUS Corporation, government and industry.
Applicants usually receive an acknowledgment email within 5 to 10 business days. The Board typically makes decisions within 8 to 10 weeks depending on the volume of applications.
Yes, applications that have secured financing from other sources are often viewed more favorably, as they demonstrate readiness to proceed.
Not necessarily. One-off films and mini-series face unique audience development challenges. To be competitive, projects with fewer episodes typically require strong support from platforms and resources for ample complementary content to support audience development over an extended period.
Yes, but you will be asked to demonstrate all submissions are feasible before selecting more than one for funding.
You may apply for development financing first, followed by production and then post-launch financing after the project launches. If your project is declined, you may reapply once more at the same funding stage, provided there is increased support from Key Partners and other financial sources.
No, TELUS Fund does not have resources available to assist with preparing paperwork.
Yes, the TELUS Fund’s budget may not cover the full requested amount for all worthy projects.
Provincial and federal tax credit policies vary, so applicants should consult with relevant authorities. Generally, financing from the Fund is treated as a grant or “assistance”, reducing the tax credit.
At the development stage, financing is repayable to the TELUS Fund if the project moves forward to the next stage or if the rights are transferred, sold or exploited in any manner. At the production stage, financing is repayable from production revenue, if any is earned. At the post-launch stage, financing is repayable from the producer’s share of production revenue, if any is earned.
Funding will be advanced once you have secured 100% of other required financial sources.
At the production stage, TELUS Fund financing is typically allocated over 3 to 4 payments, depending on the complexities of the project and the amount of financing from the Fund. In the case of 3 payments, they are typically: 60% upon signing the financing agreement, 30% upon start of pre-launch, and 10% upon receipt of final deliverables.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.