Key Partners

Together, we amplify reach, enhance credibility, and
maximize the impact of well-being content.

Health organizations, platforms, and audience ambassadors are essential for ensuring well-being projects effectively reach, engage, and positively impact audiences.


Health Organizations deliver healthcare services to Canadians and are mandatory partners in TELUS Fund projects, providing expertise to ensure content is accurate, unbiased, and evidence based.


Platforms are mandatory partners, helping projects reach Canadian audiences and achieve measurable success.


Audience Ambassadors can significantly enhance project reach and engagement.

NEXT PRE-APPROVAL WINDOW: Between March 24 and April 4, send your Health Organization Support Forms and Platform Support Forms to to ensure eligibility before submitting your application for financing on April 25, 2025.
health organisations


All applicants must secure at least one Health Organization Support Form to confirm their involvement and commitment to your project.

Do individual healthcare professionals qualify as a Health Organization?

No, individual healthcare professionals do not qualify, but their support may strengthen your application.

Do I need support from more than one Health Organization?

At least one support form is required, but multiple Health Organization Support Forms from across Canada will strengthen your application.

Do Knowledge Keepers (traditional healers) within First Nations Communities meet the Fund’s definition of a Health Organization?

For projects aimed at positively impacting the well-being of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada, the Fund welcomes Health Organization Support Forms from Indigenous Healing Specialists, Knowledge Keepers, and Elders recognized by their communities. This approach acknowledges and values the unique perspectives and traditional practices of healthcare within Indigenous populations.

I missed the date to confirm eligibility of my Health Organization(s). Can I still submit my application?

Yes, you can include their support form with your application, but if the Health Organization is not accepted, the application will be immediately withdrawn.

My Health Organization also raises awareness of the well-being issue, solicits donations, funds research, and advocates to influence policies. Do these other activities impact their eligibility as a Health Organization?

Health Organizations can be involved in all these activities provided they also have direct experience delivering healthcare services in Canada that are relevant to the story. These services may encompass a wide range of medical and health-related offerings aimed at promoting health and enhancing overall well-being of people.

Where can I find more information about authorized medical practitioners?

Here is a listing of authorized medical practitioners in Canada by province to help you get started. The authorized medical practitioner must hold formal medical qualifications and be actively registered with a Canadian medical regulatory authority (e.g. college or board). They must also be willing to provide feedback on the creative materials.

The Health Organization is willing to contract an authorized medical professional to provide feedback for my project. Does this meet the Fund’s requirement for at least one authorized medical professional “on their team”?

Yes. The Fund uses a broad definition of “on the team” that may include for example staff, contractors, members, volunteers, and the board of directors at the Health Organization. A brief bio for the individual must be included within the Health Organization Support Form demonstrating their qualifications and experience delivering healthcare services relevant to the story.

I am resubmitting an application for funding for a previously declined project. Can I upload prior Health Organization Support Forms into the application form?

No, the Health Organization must complete the most current online support form to meet minimum eligibility requirements. Expert Organization Support Forms from 2024 and earlier will not be considered.

Where can I find a listing of Health Organizations that have been previously approved by TELUS Fund?

A list is not published. However, many funded projects thank their Health Organizations in the final credits of the Programming. Check out the Project showcase to learn more.


Recognized Platforms include CRTC-licensed broadcasting services, CAVCO approved online services and Telefilm Canada qualified theatrical distribution companies.

All applicants must secure at least one Platform Support Form confirming their commitment to broadcasting or distributing the project.

Must the Platform be owned by Canadians?

No, it just needs to be accessible across Canada.

Is the Platform Support Form binding to the Platform?

No, the form is used to demonstrate support for the project and confirm eligibility requirements. It is not a binding agreement.

Is a non-theatrical distributor with a streaming service to libraries and schools an eligible Platform?

No, intermediary distributors and sales agents undertaking to sell the Programming on your behalf to other entities that will then make the Programming accessible by Canadians do not meet TELUS Fund’s definition of an eligible Platform.

Can I use a YouTube channel as an eligible platform?

Yes, provided it meets specific criteria outlined in the program guidelines.

I am resubmitting an application for funding for a previously declined project. Can I upload the prior Platform Support Forms into the application form?

No, the Platform must complete the most current online support form to meet minimum eligibility requirements. Platform Support Forms from 2024 and earlier will not be considered.

Where can I find a listing of Platforms that have been previously approved by TELUS Fund?

TELUS Fund does not currently have a listing. Check out the Project Showcase and all the platforms on which funded projects can be watched.

Is an eligible Platform?

Yes, is a CAVCO-approved Online Service that meets their “shown in Canada” requirement and is accessible across Canada.


These individuals or organizations—such as social media influencers, experts, sponsors, or celebrity talent—with at least 20,000 subscribers or followers in Canada- act as trusted voices to champion well-being content and foster a community around it.

Audience Ambassadors confirm their support by completing an Audience Ambassador Support Form.

Can Platforms and Health Organizations also be Audience Ambassadors?

Yes, they may also qualify as Audience Ambassadors, but they have their own support forms. There is no need for them to also complete the Audience Ambassador Support Form.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.